Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Youn Ji's Sketches

I had quick Fashion illustrations for laying out our actual result. Fashion illustration is like a preview to allow you to get the air of the design before you see the real clothes eventually. Designer can usually specify to not only their customers, but also themselves the most of the information of their design through this process. So Fashion illustration has to be able to convey the information of the garment, and details in various drawing styles. Plus, it highly tends to be art piece itself, though it functions as blueprint. Since those reason, it's a little shame to post this rough sketch. I had, however, great moment to going backward to my old background and recalling every steps of Fashion design while I made this.
Actually, it's almost considered as a independent field taken apart from its mother part which is Fashion design, and I was very much into this field as well.
So, please take advantage of me, if you have any kinds of questions about more specific process of Fashion illustration.

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